Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Conventions of Magazine Covers

L - Media Language. The main image that is on the front cover of this magazine is a boy who goes to college you know this as he is holding books which will be college books and that he is on the wrong of a college magazine. The mast head is big and bold which makes it clear that the magazine is a college magazine. They have made the colour scheme bright so that it will stand out and catch your eye.

I - Ideology. The front cover indicates that people that go to this college are happy and cheerful. By using the bright colours it also indicates that it is up beat and cheerful.

I - Institution. The college in which this magazine is about are the institution for this magazine and they're the ones that create it.

A - Audience. The audience for this magazine are people that are interested in attending the college and may want to read a bit about what it is like and what it involves. It will be aimed at student around 16 - 19 yrs old.

R - Representation. This magazine would represent students that already go to the college this would usually be people of around the age of 16-19.

L - Media Language. The main image on the front of this magazine is a medium close up shot this is directed to a model that is looking right at the audience and as this is a fashion magazine they are wanting her to look relaxed cool and fashionable.

I - Ideology. The front cover of this magazine indicates that it is for a fashion magazine the image on the front indicates a laid back relaxed kind of feeling to the magazine but also its a picture that would catch the readers eye.

I - Institution. The institution for this magazine is the producing company and in this company they have different departments that then put together the front cover of the magazine.

A- Audience. The audience for this magazine is mainly women. Most percerntage of women that read this magazine read it because they are interested in the fashion, some people just read it because they like it.

R- Representation. This magzine would represent women of all ages that have an interest in fashion.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Magaizne Front Cover Terms

Masthead title piece - The magazine's title, this is usually displayed in the top left corner.
Price - This is how much the magazine costs.
Date - Weekly: usually from Saturday to Friday. Monthly: a month ahead.
Issue Number - A tally of the magazines.
Barcode - This is read electronically and decoded into usable information.
Teaser - OIne word/phase acts as an attention grabber.
Main Features: Headline - A phrase that may summarise the main point of the main feature. In large print different stlye, bold colours in order to catch the attention of the reader.
Subtitle - Smaller headline that may summarise the feature.
Smaller Feature - Features included in the magazines.
Images - Size: CU to med CU. Ranges from one main image to x amaount featuring one main image and smaller images. Helps make the page look more interesting. It can add understanding of a story an/or entice someone to read the magazine.
Font - Stlye and size of type face.
Colour - Specific/stylistic/thematic types.
Graphics -Graphical shapes to higlight feature(s).
Offers/adverts Blurb - Banner - style shape featuring free products/promotions.
Left Third - Any graphics that take up the left third of the screen for example the main feautures.
Cover Lines - This is information about lead articles given on the front cover of a magazine.
Sell Lines - These lines are the lines that identify a brand.
Splash - A bubble/graphic with text that splashes accross the page.
Credit - Who took the photo's.
Kicker - Is like a teaser of an article that will be in the magazine.
Teller - Is explaining the teaser.
Skyline -  This is the head line above the master head.
Flash - Is similar to the splash.
Graphology - The art of using graphics/colour scheme.
Anchorage - Explains what the picture is.
Vocabulary - The text that is written on the page.
Screamers - Head line is what you verbally shout.
Images - Pictures that have being took and then used in the magazine.

Preliminary Exercise

Using DTP and an image manipulation program, I will produce the front page for a new school/college magazine. This will feature a photograph of a student in the medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. On top pf that I must produce a mock-up layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.