Thursday, November 24, 2011


The publisher I have chosen to use to publish my magazine is Future publisher. Future publishes a range of magazines from classic rock to Cycling Plus. The reason I chose this publisher for my magazine is because the magazines that it already publishes aims at around the same target age that I have set for my music magazine. Although Future already publishes some music magazines the genre's that it publishes are different to the genre of my music magazine which is Indie Rock music. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Target Audience

The target audience for my magazine will be aimed at both male and female around the age of 16-24 mainly the younger generation. I have chosen this target audience because the genre I have chosen to do in my magazine is hip-hop/pop style. This style of music is mainly listened to by the age range that I have picked. I aim for my magazine to be bought by independent, open minded, decisive, ambitious and free spirited men and women. I would like for it to inspire both men and women to be individual and follow the music trend they want to follow in their own way. My magazine wont tell people who to follow but will give them the latest and favourite artists and inspire them to follow the best. It will show a strong personality, stylish and positive attitude towards the magazine. I am going to focus on aiming my magazine at the C2, D and E social classes I chose these because I know that most people in the target range I have chosen will struggle to be able to afford higher more expensive magazine therefore this magazine will be more affordable.

Annotated Contents Page - Vibe Magazine

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

L.I.I.A.R Analysis - Top Of The Pops Magazine

L - Media Language. The media language used in this magazine is represented very well within the front cover. The genre of this magazine is pop. The colour scheme used is mainly purple which is very girly which makes me think it is aimed at a girl audience. The image on the front it of Robbie Williams who has done pop music which is what the magazine is advertising.

I - Ideology. The ideology of this magazine goes towards the genre of the magazine which is pop. The colour, image and text used across the front cover represent a girly and pop outcome which is what the magazine is aiming for.

I - Institution. The Top Of The Pop's magazine has being selling since February 1995. It began along the lines of Q magazine but then changer to a teen pop magazine to compete with magazine such as, Smash Hits and Big. The BBC then announced that even though the television series had ended the magazine would continue to be sold. The magazine has had several editors over the years these include, Peter Lorraine, Corinna Schaffer and Rosalie Snaith.

A - Audience. The audience for this magazine is a younger age group usually girls aged around 11-15 years old, usually around 15% are boys and 85% are girls. Circulation - 98,030, Leadership - 298,000.

R- Representation. The magazine is very clearly representing the pop generation, this is shown by the colour's and images used on the front cover. The purple and pink colour's used are a clear representation of girls therefore the magazine is clearly aiming for.

Friday, November 18, 2011

L.I.I.A.R Analysis - Vibe Magazine

L - Media Language. The media language in this magazine is represented by the image and the way the text is used. There is usage of bold colours used in the masthead. The way the picture is taken and  positioned on the front cover of the magazine gives a hip-hop/urban image to the magazine. They have took the picture so that he is center straight and looking straight into the camera or essentially the reader.

I - Ideology. The ideology is aimed at the genre of the magazine. The genre of this magazine is hip-hop to urban and on the front cover of this magazine it gives a hip-hop flow to the front cover. There is a lot of reds and blacks mixed together these are good colour's to use because they stand out and will attract the readers eye.

I - Institution. Vibe magazine is Partenered with Intermedia which is a private equity investment firm focused on leveraged buyout and growth capital investments in the media sector.

 A - Audience. The audience for vibe music magazine is 55% Male and 45% Female. These are usually aged 18-34 with a median age of 30. The Vibe audience is comprised of trendsetting individuals passionate about music, entertainment, fashion and pop-culture.

R - Representation. Vibe magazine is represented by the colour's that they use and the position of the image they have used this represents a strong, individual and confident magazine. The way that Eminem is posed with his arms crossed gives across a strong, positive and confident look to the magazine and the fact that he is covered in tattoo's is stereotypical to hip-hop/rap artists. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

L.I.I.A.R Analysis - Q Magazine

L – Media Language. The media language in this magazine cover is used to attract the readers attention and to make sure it stands out amongst other magazines.  By using a medium close-up image it makes the image stand out more as it is bigger and takes up more space of the cover. They have also took the picture so that Madonna is looking into the camera this makes it look like she is looking right at you.

I – Ideology. The ideology is aimed at the genre of the magazine. The genre of this magazine is rock and on the front cover of this magazine there is alot of red colours and bold text used, also the image used and the way it is used symbolises the rock genre.

I – Institution. The institustion of Q magazine is Bauer Media they created Q magazine and other rock related magazines.

A – Audience. The audience for this magazine is 75% male and 25% female. The audience is composed of passionate, engaged and open minded music fans driven to contiually discover new music. 

R – Representation. The representation of Q magazine is the colours they use on the front cover these are mainly reds and blacks which represent the rock genre. The way Madonna is dressed in the magazine makes her stand out and because she is wearing a glove and has her hood up it makes it more rock genre.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Music Magazine Brief

Main Task
In this task I will produce a front page, contents page and a double page task for a new music magazine. All the images and text that I use for my magazine will be original and produced by me, using a minimum of four images.

Friday, November 04, 2011

Audience Feedback and Evaluation

Audience Feedback and Evaluation
Audience Feedback:
Charissa Cartledge – A student at the college thought that the magazine cover looked very professional and would sell well. She said that the colours were very attractive and caught her eye when she looked saw it.
Charlotte Hemsworth – Also a student at the college she said that she thought the magazine cover had all the qualities it needed to be used as a magazine cover. The title was bold and appealing it caught your eye and made it stand out. Also the picture was a good medium close up picture.
My college magazine has the same aspects of a real magazine it has a Masthead, Skyline, Date, Main features, Cover lines, Subtitles, Small Features, Barcode and finally a Main Image.  This makes the magazine look professional and realistic and would be able to be sold in a shop as a real life college magazine for Wyke College. It has bright bold colours which make it stand out to its audience (students 16-19). The realistic features that I listed above make it sellable and appealing to the audience.
This college magazine represents students from ages 16-19 mainly but it may also interest people who are looking to study at the college and may want to read about what goes on inside the college. It could also interest teachers who either teach at the college or are looking for a job at the college. For teachers who already work at the college they can look at it and find out the students opinion to the college and also find out what goes on that they may not know about. For teachers who are looking to work at the college they can get a look at what the college is like and get an idea of what the students are like.
The audience for my college magazine is mainly aimed at students aged 16-19. I attracted my audience by using a picture of student at Wyke College and using bold colours to attract the reader’s eye. The colours I used were white and purple these could be quite girly but I tried to stick to the colours that would represent the college and that would also appeal to both men and women.
From doing this task I have learnt how to use different technologies. Firstly I learnt how to use blogger I used this so that I could blog my work as I did it. Next I learnt how to use Prezi this was a digital programme that I could use to write all my ideas and pictures that I took all onto to one programme. Also the camera I used to take the photographs was a new technology because I had never used that type of camera before.

Mock Up of Contents Page

Final cover of my magazine

First Cover of My Magazine

Print screens from the making of my magazine

This first print screen shows the image and background for my magazine cover placed exactly where I want it to be and the right size and zoom quality for how i wanted it.

This pringt screen shows the final name for my magazine placed exactly where I want it the right colour and size. Also it shows the barcode in the bottom left hand corner.

In this print screen I have added the Skyline, Date, Website and Slogan to my magazine these layers where then locked and not touched again as they were exactly how I wanted them.

This print screen shows the main feature of the magazine boldly presented at the top of the left third of the magazine cover.

This print screen shows the next subtitle that I added to the cover this one isn't as big as the first one as it isnt the main feature of the magazine.

This print screen shows my final cover before I made the following changes.

This is a print screen of the final changes I made to my magazine. I took out two of the stories because I thought it looked too full I then made the masthead bigger and the main feature bigger too. - College Magazine Plan

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Draft Layouts

This image to the left is showing a layout design
that I did as a rough guide to how I want my
magazine cover to be set out. This cover page
may be changed a lot to make the magazine saleable.

The second image placed to the left is a rough guide
to how I want my contents page to look like,
this may be changed in many ways to make
it look appealing.