Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Target Audience

The target audience for my magazine will be aimed at both male and female around the age of 16-24 mainly the younger generation. I have chosen this target audience because the genre I have chosen to do in my magazine is hip-hop/pop style. This style of music is mainly listened to by the age range that I have picked. I aim for my magazine to be bought by independent, open minded, decisive, ambitious and free spirited men and women. I would like for it to inspire both men and women to be individual and follow the music trend they want to follow in their own way. My magazine wont tell people who to follow but will give them the latest and favourite artists and inspire them to follow the best. It will show a strong personality, stylish and positive attitude towards the magazine. I am going to focus on aiming my magazine at the C2, D and E social classes I chose these because I know that most people in the target range I have chosen will struggle to be able to afford higher more expensive magazine therefore this magazine will be more affordable.

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