Friday, November 04, 2011

Print screens from the making of my magazine

This first print screen shows the image and background for my magazine cover placed exactly where I want it to be and the right size and zoom quality for how i wanted it.

This pringt screen shows the final name for my magazine placed exactly where I want it the right colour and size. Also it shows the barcode in the bottom left hand corner.

In this print screen I have added the Skyline, Date, Website and Slogan to my magazine these layers where then locked and not touched again as they were exactly how I wanted them.

This print screen shows the main feature of the magazine boldly presented at the top of the left third of the magazine cover.

This print screen shows the next subtitle that I added to the cover this one isn't as big as the first one as it isnt the main feature of the magazine.

This print screen shows my final cover before I made the following changes.

This is a print screen of the final changes I made to my magazine. I took out two of the stories because I thought it looked too full I then made the masthead bigger and the main feature bigger too.

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